Namaste, greetings and love to all our Family, friends, collogues, vendors, [both retail & wholesale] customers, members and Elders of the Tribe and to everyone else who has graciously entrusted us as their sacred source for high quality entheogens, botanicals, plant specimens, seeds, elixirs, extracts and other rarities over the years. I can’t offer enough thanks to adequately express how much all your support means to us over all these years. While I wish I were drafting this letter for purely to share this message of thanks alone, Unfortunately I must share one additional piece of important personal information’s that I am saddened, yet obliged to tell you.
A couple months ago a serious medical condition began rapidly and significantly impacting my life, besides the burden and stresses on my family. I suffer from Immense pain most of each day which I must endure each day for what seems to be months, have 6-8 day organic insomnia binges, intense treatments with my mind so scattered in a state of hypnogogia it literary takes hours to kick out just one email or order at the moment. I was able to keep up working everything mostly by myself 16+ hours hour days over the past few years however now I fear I am paying the price and am too far in over my head, I finally did what I should have done long ago. Added some professional help to the Gaian Staff (formerly me alone) stepped away from my day job for a few months [HUGE RISK] in a sincere effort to remedy this situation ASAP and set us up with only for room for improvement. We are still behind on some fulfillment and bills and super far behind on email not to mention the great distance I must travel on my long path to a complete recovery should I be blesses with one. I hope so, this whole experiences has re-clarified what’s most important along with plenty of stellar ideas. So only about 2000 emails to sort threw. About 25 (trouble) orders meaning things don’t add up or payment processors / customs are involved. Many expensive DR & Specialist visits / appointments, tests, lmaging, bloodletting, spinal and other injections, Et cetara Please keep the faith that I will be back healthier and better then ever and that no one will be let down by me. I have even added pending orders and debt to my last living will and testament to be handled privately by a trusted friend should the worst come.
New orders have been both a blessing & curse. I pray for new orders, then they come and I pray to get them out asap. Or at least the buyer is not in a super hurry to received them Our young family of 5 desperately needs the money to stay in our home so please keep sending orders. A few have asked to send gifts, You can use the return address for Gaian or paypal me at or contact me threw the site. I requests for your loving energy that we all pull though ASAP. This illness has been testing to stay the least.
Last but not least I kindly request that everyone who has indicated charge backs, Paypal disputes, rumors, forum and blog drama to cut me a little slack. I promise to deliver. I have NEVER stolen from anyone and don’t plant to start now.
At any rate, Many kind thanks for your patience and understanding.
Peace, Love and Thanks!